Monday, February 13, 2012

Learning Journal #10

We made another helpful chart in class on Friday, a chart to organize our sources. Up until this point, I've been doing a lot of research besides the sites on my annotated source list, but not all of them are relevant to my project. Drawing my thoughts out on paper really helped me to outline my research and know what types of sources to look for. I'll need to be looking for information regarding headache frequencies/chronic headaches- statistics, headache triggers, and treatments/prevention. Often times I notice myself getting distracted or side-tracked as I research because headaches are so interesting to me.
In a way, I have always studied headaches because of my own migraine condition and I'm excited to put all my knowledge and experience to use! By the end of my project, I hope to be an expert on headaches.

The next topic we covered in class is building our project paper, the Background and Significance & Literature Review section. I like how we're writing sections at a time. Divide and conquer. This portion is a mini persuasive essay to convince the reader that my project is valid. Using location and topic specific information, I'll prove the significance of my research. I'm excited to write this section of my paper and get a better understanding of my project and my motivation.

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