Friday, February 17, 2012

Learning Journal #12

My first "mock interview" was really fun! It gave me a new surge of excitement for my project in Tonga. I interviewed a coworker who has chronic headaches. She also has a thick Thai accent, so I got a feel for that communication challenge. I am hoping to interview people who speak English, but their Tongan accents will most likely be heavy. Maybe a Tongan survey would be a better approach. I think I'll hand out mass surveys in schools, clinics, and churches, then interview the people who suffer with chronic headaches. That will be the best approach. This practice interview gave me a taste of some of the problems I might encounter. Such as...

1. Question wording: "Q-How long have you had these headaches? A- They last for about 2 hours." I clarified by saying, "Q-No, sorry. Let me rephrase that last question. Have you had these headaches your whole life? When did they start? A-Oh Sorry! I misunderstood the question. I started having them when I was a teenager. Probably 13 or 14 years old."
        -This hiccup brought the wording issue to my attention. Even if a question makes perfect sense to me, I need to word it in the simplest, clearest way possible, speaking slowly enunciating.

2. Offending: "Q-So knowing that low blood-sugar triggers your headaches, do you try to avoid skipping breakfast? A-Not really. I've never really been one to eat breakfast. My mornings are just too rushed. I know it sounds silly to say I won't avoid my headache trigger, but I don't even know if that's the real problem. I don't want to wake up any earlier than I have to. I'm already exhausted."
       -This defensive answer reminded me that I'm not a doctor. I shouldn't be giving heath-care advice to anyone that participates in my project. It's my job to collect the research, not to try and counsel with patients.

Those are just two of the lessons I learned during this first interview. I'm going to practice my interviewing skills each week until I leave for Tonga. I'm really excited to get out into the field and put these concepts to the test.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Learning Journal #11

The concept of language is very interesting. It both allows and restricts us from communicating, defining people before they even speak, interpreting culture and values. Language can refer to complex systems of communication, or the simplest of symbols and gestures.  I have spent a lot of time thinking about language and it's control over our communication since class on Monday. The video clip of the student whose project was majorly restricted by language/vocabulary made me nervous for my own project in Tonga. How can I word my surveys and interviews so that the English and Tongan meanings are exactly parallel? Will there be a drastic language barrier? Will I offend people with my lack of understanding? These are some of the questions that were brought to my attention after class.

The Low and High Context Communication handout is both enlightening and funny. So sad, but true. We live in a world filled with these communication gaps. People may technically be speaking the same language, but the message can still be lost in translation. A perfect example of low and high context communication is found in my family. My mom, prime low context speaker. She is as direct as it gets, and to some people who don't really know her, she might even be offensive. My mom says what she means, when she means it. Now, a high context example. My little sister Jenny. It takes serious effort to get anything direct from this girl. She practically makes 'beating around the bush' into a science. I think many girls are this way. They think hiniting at something is and effective way of getting what they want. Many women expect other peole to just read their minds. I've even been guilty of this tactic, but to no success. I definitely believe there's a balance between low and high context communication, at least in the English language. It's polite to be somewhere in the middle.

 I read in my book Making Sense of Tonga that Tongans will tend to say "yes" to every yes/no question they are asked, whether it's true or not. They have learned this in their culture, to please people. It's polite. This is a very important lesson for me to learn as I am definitely a low context communicator. I need to practice both skill sets and find a healthy balance. I need to be prepared for the Tongans' way of indirect communication and adjust my interviews accordingly.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Learning Journal #10

We made another helpful chart in class on Friday, a chart to organize our sources. Up until this point, I've been doing a lot of research besides the sites on my annotated source list, but not all of them are relevant to my project. Drawing my thoughts out on paper really helped me to outline my research and know what types of sources to look for. I'll need to be looking for information regarding headache frequencies/chronic headaches- statistics, headache triggers, and treatments/prevention. Often times I notice myself getting distracted or side-tracked as I research because headaches are so interesting to me.
In a way, I have always studied headaches because of my own migraine condition and I'm excited to put all my knowledge and experience to use! By the end of my project, I hope to be an expert on headaches.

The next topic we covered in class is building our project paper, the Background and Significance & Literature Review section. I like how we're writing sections at a time. Divide and conquer. This portion is a mini persuasive essay to convince the reader that my project is valid. Using location and topic specific information, I'll prove the significance of my research. I'm excited to write this section of my paper and get a better understanding of my project and my motivation.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Learning Journal #9

I had my first taste of culture shock this week. A reading assignment for class was "Gender Relations in Tonga" by Kerry James, a very interesting article about ancient and modern Tongan society. I have always been fascinated by gender roles and this reading was very enlightening for me. As I read the article I had several questions about Tongan values. (Why do women have an unchallengeable sacred significance while the men have political authority? Are gender roles, particularly womens', being eroded over time? Which has more authority, 'eiki/tradition or the Constitution? Why does income influence authority in a predominantly Christian society? What is Tongan femininity?) Those are only a few of the questions that I had from the reading.

The most surprising or unfamiliar role is that of the fahu. Don't get me wrong, having that power over my siblings would be great! I am the designated fahu of my family after all... But I was confused as to why the fahu, or husband's sister, had jurisdiction over his wife. Not only was the authority there, but also a unique place in his heart. As Tonga is predominantly Christian, a large percentage being LDS, I was confused as to why the family would be structured this way. I have been taught all of my life that husbands and wives are equal partners, a team. The triangle between the husband, wife and fahu seems strange and unnatural to me. But that doesn't mean it's wrong.

The role of the fahu has stood the test of time, and for whatever reason, it works in the Tongan society. She is a matriarch over the family, guiding and nurturing. In a way, it makes perfect sense. There were plenty of times in my childhood when I wanted to talk to someone besides my parents. A wise counselor that wouldn't judge or decide for me. There were times when I would have really loved and needed my fahu. This realization has shown me that no matter how foreign other cultures might seem, there is always a function. It works for those people, and it's important to try to relate. There is always a lesson to be learned.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Learning Journal #8

Participant observation. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. One thing I'm constantly relearning in our field study prep class, is that any action, no matter how self-explanatory it may seem, is never a simple thing. Our professor is very thorough and class discussions are even more so. It seems like everyone has a story to share. So not only am I learning about culture, field notes and observation skills...I'm learning patience as well. Just kidding, class is great.

All jokes aside, our class discussion on participant observations was enlightening. I don't consider myself to be an extremely observant person. Details are often overlooked and I might even forget the main point of a conversation. I guess I hadn't considered the importance of observation skills for my field study since I'll be studying headache triggers. I figured all my research would be done on paper. After our class discussion, I realized that wouldn't be the case. Besides my main purpose for being there, my project, I'm traveling across the world to learn something. To change in some way. Living in Utah my entire life, I have been surrounded by white, generally clean-cut, Mormons. My neighborhood, my community, my ward and now even my college. I have been living in a bubble! I am ready to venture out of this valley and see what other cultures have to offer. I am so excited to live among the people and notice their lifestyles. That is a huge reason why I'll need observation skills like, explicit awareness, wide-angle lens, insider/outsider, and introspection. (Mentioned in class.) Not only do I need to pay attention to my headache research, I need to absorb my surroundings by learning some of the language, taking detailed field notes, hanging out in social scenes and becoming involved in the community. I need to start polishing my observation skills so I can have the best experience possible. I am so ready for this adventure!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Learning Journal #7

This past week was great! I feel so blessed for modern medicine and healthcare professionals who dedicate their careers to improving peoples' quality of life. Through family friends I was able to get an appointment with Dr. Henry, MD of the Foothill Family Clinic. Although he practices general medicine, he has a special emphasis on migraine disease due to a dramatic personal connection. His youngest daughter committed suicide her senior year of high school after enduring through constant malignant migraines throughout her life. My mom and I were in tears as Dr. Henry told us his story of struggle to find relief for his daughter. It definitely hit home. Ever since this traumatic event, Dr. Henry has made it his personal endeavor to see and assist all migraine sufferers who seek help. 

My appointment began with a discussion of my medical history including medications, treatments, procedures, avoided triggers, etc. After dealing with chronic migraines for 20 years now, it seems as if I've tried everything. And with migraines, the frustration of the mystery is half the battle. Dr. Henry then gave me a very long list of medications, treatments, and options I had never heard of or considered. It felt like Christmas! Using a polychronic timetable (yes, I went there), Dr. Henry dedicated over an hour to my appointment, counseling with me and discussing new prevention techniques. He was very compassionate and helpful. Besides leaving with new prescriptions and samples, I had a brighter sense of hope. I had a new found energy to tackle my disease. My situation is definitely not hopeless.

You might be wondering how this experience ties into my field study, well....up until this appointment I have been really scared to go to Tonga. Anxious enough that I was seriously considering dropping out of the program. I wasn't scared of leaving home, or being completely submerged in a new world, I was afraid to deal with these chronic, debilitating migraines all alone without the support of family and friends. My sickness has been at an all-time high lately with at least 3 bedridden migraines a week. Experiencing that pain so frequently made me very nervous for my trip to Tonga. How could I deal with those attacks on my own? Would my host family even understand? Will I have access to medicine? Dr. Henry was an answer to my prayers. He gave me new hope that I'll be okay. I won't let this trial keep me from a once in a lifetime experience. I am so grateful to live in an age of advance medicine. I am very passionate about my project and ready to get out there and make new discoveries. I'm no longer afraid.

Learning Journal #6

 I felt like last class discussion was specifically geared towards me, it was a great lesson. Monochronic versus polychronic time; it sounds more complicated than it really is. Basically, a monochronic timetable is what we typically use in the U.S. People schedule set appointments compartmentalizing their lives, living in a task-based manner. "Time is money" and no one wants to "waste time" waiting! While polychronic time is just the opposite. People multi-task letting the order of their tasks be dictated by realtionships. This system is people-based. This timetable sounds very familiar to the one Sione (my Tongan professor) described. He told us that in Tonga, time means nothing. It is not valuable to them. In Tonga, they have all the time in the world, so instead of valuing time and their schedules, they value relationships. Devoting quality time with family and friends is the most important thing for Tongans.

Learning about these approaches to time management really helped me understand how/why things work. I have always been a monochronic girl, set to a particular schedule dividing my day in to organized sections and polychronic people seemed lazy and rude. I never understood the difference between task-based and people-based living. Learning about the priorities of polychronic time management makes those people seem less lazy and rude, and almost more considerate and selfless. I am really excited to live and Tonga, submerged in a culture where time means nothing and relationships mean everything. I think it will be a refreshing and relaxing change.

This lesson may also be helpful in my project, while I research different headache triggers. Maybe polychronic time plays a role in a low-stress lifestyle which prevents headaches. We'll just have to wait and see!

Learning Journal #5

I really enjoy meeting with our little Tonga group of 4 girls (and Nick of course), we always have fun learning and planning together. Last class period we made project maps that were surprisingly helpful! I definitely had an "Ah ha" moment, or two, as I tried to explain my project outline to our group. I realized several problems I still need to sort out. I think my problem has big potential, but it is also pretty ambitious. For the project map I placed my underlying question in the center of my paper then wrote further questions, factors, and methods branching off. After explaining our projects to our peers, we brainstormed together pointing out possible issues and additional ideas. It was great! By explaining my research and actually drawing it all out, I realized that I have a few dead ends... For example:

1. How will I find the people with chronic headaches?--hospitals/clinics, schools or church
2. How will I keep in contact with those patients for further research?
3. How will I design my survey? Should I conduct interviews instead or in addition to?

Those are just a few questions I had when discussing my project with our group. We also learned that a Learning Journal entry should come to a certain conclusion, so here it is Nick! The more I discuss my project with others, I realize new details I need to address. There are a several more questions I have on top of the ones listed above, and I am grateful for the peers and mentors and family members that will help me reach answers. I will gladly and gratefully accept suggestions! Even though I'm technically conducting my project alone, it will be a collection of ideas and input from many people. I have an awesome support group here and BYU, and I am really excited to create one in Tonga. Hopefully I will be able to get support from my host family and community.

Learning Journal #4

In class yesterday we covered more recent Tongan history, discussing current events and government reform. It was interesting to read articles from different sources and notice how the view point of the author can greatly determine the opinion of the reader. 4 separate articles describing the same event can lead to drastically different outcomes. What are the authors motivated by? Is it impossible to write without bias?

I want to research and write without my opinion interfering. I am so passionate about my project and I really hope to find something new and amazing, but if I expect to come to a certain conclusion my research will be in vain. In order to find any real answers I need to be open and indifferent.

Learning Journal #3

After a brainstorming session with my Mom, I think I have a clear grasp on my project. My research will be divided into 2 parts. First, a survey given to a test group of approximately 200 people separated by age. This questionnaire will ask basic questions -- "Do you have headaches? How frequently? Typical duration? Pain level from 1-10, and What most likely triggers your headaches?" As a headache patient I understand the difficulty of pinpointing triggers, but I know it is definitely possible. With each headache one can usually guess what brought it on; which leads me to the second part of my project.. After administering the survey and recording/organizing my data, I will assess why  the headaches are occuring by comparing and contrasting the common triggers in the U.S. with the most common triggers in Tonga. I know some will be similar because of our underlying human anatomy, but I also hypothesize a difference as several of the common headache causes here will vary there. [ie: stress]

Hey Mom, thanks for the brainsurge. (Jimmy Neutron)

Learning Journal #2

What do I study, that is the question. I have always been set on a health-related research topic, hopefully something science based, but choosing is difficult. I would love to get some hands on experience in a clinic there and put my EKG training to use! However, cardiovascular disease wouldn't be anything new. The Polynesian people are known to have high percentages of CVD, diabetes and hypertension. But these problems are attributed to their lifestyle and genetic make up. No, heart health is not my project. That would be a topic to be researched in a library, been there done that.

Instead of choosing some random health issue, I want to study something close to home. Headaches. After suffering with chronic migraine headaches all of my life, I have plenty of curiosity and ample amounts of passion to fuel a project! I have decided that I definitely want to study headaches while in Tonga. There is still much fine-tuning to be done, but I am very excited to finally decide on a project theme.

Learning Journal #1

It's official...I'm headed to 'The Friendly Islands' for the summer through the International Field Study program at BYU! In the excitement of applying and getting registered for the prep courses, I have yet to build my actual research project.. Oops. Guess I skipped a step there! I have several ideas with a hint of potential, but I want to study something exceptionally great! I want to break new ground! As I continue brainstorming and outlining different projects, hopefully I will be able to create some truly wonderful, health-related research to conduct. Suggestions are gratefully accepted and appreciated!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Project Question

Why headaches are occurring in Tonga? 

-By comparing common triggers in the U.S. to common causes in Tonga.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Project Prep

It's official...I'm headed to 'The Friendly Islands' for the summer through the International Field Study program at BYU! In the excitement of applying and getting registered for the prep courses, I have yet to build my actual research project. Oops. I guess I skipped a step there. I have several ideas with possible potential, but I want to study something exceptionally great! I want to break new ground! As I continue brainstorming and outlining different projects, hopefully I will be able to create some truly wonderful, health-related research to conduct. Suggestions are gratefully accepted and appreciated!